Our Approach

Our commitment to quality is unequivocal

Offering exceptional client service is the backbone of our operations. We value our clients to the core and offer seamless services to support their businesses. Consistent with our commitment to professional
excellence, we are guided by a disciplined approach to all our service lines.

Our approach is premised on that each and every work that leaves our office goes through a rigorous quality control review. We get it right the first time.

Importance of quality

Our services are not limited to the geographical boundaries of Botswana but go across the world and therefore have to meet the world standards. At PBC, we are keenly aware of our obligation to deliver quality services that meet the challenges and complexities of the current environment and that comply with professional and meet world standards. We are committed to doing more than simply meeting challenges and conforming to expectations, and our desire is to be seen as the standard of excellence for the profession while executing our services effectively. In keeping with that objective, our commitment to quality is unequivocal. We focus
on professional excellence as the foundation for achieving outstanding quality consistently.

A culture of professional excellence 

A key element of professional excellence is the right tone at the top. This begins with the Managing Director of Prestige Business Consultants (Pty) Ltd and senior management throughout the organisation. The focus of our leadership on quality is evident through its direct involvement in quality activities, and its consistent dissemination of messages emphasising quality through a variety of communications channels. Our philosophy calls for embedding professional excellence into our definition of what it takes to be a service provider. Acting honourably and with integrity is a shared responsibility, for which all personnel of PBC are held accountable.

Directors accountability

In support of our service provision, the directors are held accountable for improving quality. Quality is an important determinant in director evaluation requirements, for which the key criteria include quality, ethics and independence, and professional competence.