Welcome to Prestige

Business Consultants

About Prestige Business Consultants

Prestige Business Consultants (Pty) Ltd is a leading company secretarial, corporate and trust services provider in Botswana. Established in 2018 the company has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. PBC as the company is affectionately known, has made tremendous strides in many sectors of the economy. The company is driven by experienced and qualified personnel whose experience span over decades. Offering exceptional client service is the backbone of our operations. We value our clients to the core and offer seamless services to support their businesses. Consistent with our commitment to professional excellence, we are guided by a disciplined approach to all our service lines. Our approach is premised on that each and every work that leaves our office goes through a rigorous quality control review. We get it right the first time. Our services are not limited to the geographical boundaries of Botswana but go across the world and therefore have to meet the world standards. In support of our service provision, the directors are held accountable for improving quality. Quality is an important determinant in director evaluation requirements, for which the key criteria include quality, ethics and independence, and professional competence.

Service Offering

The company provides diverse professional advisory services 

Company Secretarial

Our Key Clients

We offer services to a number of clients operating in Botswana. Our clients cover all the industries;